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Arthritis TEST is a group of conditions involving damage to the joints of the body.
There are over 100 different forms of arthritis. The most common are
• Osteoarthritis 
• Rheumatoid arthritis
• Rheumatic Arthritis 
• Septic arthritis 
• Gouty Arthritis
• Juvenile idiopathic arthritis 
• Still's disease 
• Ankylosing spondylitis 

History and physical examination

All arthritides feature pain. Pain patterns may differ depending on the arthritides and the location. Rheumatoid arthritis is generally worse in the morning and associated with stiffness; in the early stages, patients often have no symptoms after a morning shower. In the aged and children, pain might not be the main presenting feature; the aged patient simply moves less, the infantile patient refuses to use the affected limb. Important features are speed and time of onset, pattern of joint involvement, symmetry of symptoms, early morning stiffness, tenderness, gelling or locking with inactivity, aggravating and relieving factors, and other systemic symptoms. Physical examination may confirm the diagnosis. Radiographs are often used to follow progression or assess severity in a more quantitative manner.
Blood tests and X-rays of the affected joints often are performed to make the diagnosis. Screening blood tests are indicated if certain arthritides are suspected. These might include: rheumatoid factor, antinuclear factor (ANF), extractable nuclear antigen, and specific antibodies.


Treatment options vary depending on the type of arthritis and include physical therapy, lifestyle changes (including exercise and weight control), orthopedic bracing, medications, and dietary supplements (symptomatic or targeted at the disease process causing the arthritis). Arthroplasty (joint replacement surgery) may be required in eroding forms of arthritis. Furthermore, exercise of the arthritic joint is encouraged to maintain the health of the particular joint and the overall body of the person.

Homeopathic Treatment

There are effective medicines in Homeopathic system for almost all type of arthritis, for this it is necessary for the patient to consult a homeopathic physicians rather than to take painkillers because often it is too late when the patient consults the physician the deformity has already set in . Homeopathy even is capable to conrol arthritis at this stage but condititions where deformity has already set in could not be completly normalized.
For instant relief patients suffering from arthritis take painkillers, prolonged use of which initially may cause pain in abdomen, nasea, vomiting, loss of appetite and finally results in gastric ulcer.
If the patient still continues the painkillers instead of taking proper treatment , irreversible damage could occur to the vital organs like liver, Kidney Failure and heart.on the othet hand Homeopathic medicines could be taken for a long time without any side effects which along with releiving pain may cure the problem if in initial stage.